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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Fox

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the Fox and Associates blog. Here we will be sharing some info about us, thoughts on current events, financial planning tips, and random thoughts on money, investing, retirement, and of course our dogs ;).

I learned at an early age the value of a dollar. My parents are hardworking, middle class Canadians. They scrutinized every penny they earned. Growing up, money was always tight, there were no excess expenditures, however our family always had everything we truly needed. My parents now live a comfortable and worry free retirement because they managed to balance the priorities of living for today and planning for the future. These principals guide me every day. Our teams primary mission is to educate and inspire hard working Canadians to Invest for the future, pay back the past and live for the now.

For more info on me and my team check out our about us page.



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